
Clone wiki

CATI / Extending

Search Modules

If you want to extend the search interface and functionality, you should add a new js file containing the extension class in:



Such class should have, at least, a constructor and a loadTweets(data) message. All the modules shouls have this method, since they will be automatically called by it in the future.


class DailyFrequencyModule extends SearchModule{

    constructor(containerSelector, client) {

        // your required initialization code

        // your code making requests to the server and manipulating the DOM

At this stage of the project, it is also required that you add the reference to this file in the index file located at:


You can find the DailyFrequencyModule.js file as an example.

Then, instantiate this module and call the loadTweets method from the following file:


This last step won't be necessary for the future, but right now you need to do it. An example of how to instantiate the class and call the proper method can be found in the same file:


loadTweetsTimeline: function (data) {

        new DailyFrequencyModule().loadTweets(data);
